Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Painting In My Mind

I am dreaming of a painting with Sunflowers. It started when I went to an antique mall Saturday with my daughter Jaime and grandson Alec. I found a very pretty blue vase, I thought the imaginary sunflowers would look good in....I have a little wooden trunk that I could throw a cloth casually across with interesting folds....I think of a "House Blessing" that a student made for me years ago out of Kansas wheat that she picked herself (she said it was an old Indian tradition to make these and give to a friend and it was believed it would keep your house safe and blessed) that I still have hanging over my door.hmmmmmmm... now if the grocery store has Sunflowers, beautiful Sunflowers,  and the Antique Mall--would they still have that perfect blue vase? --or do I want to use a glass vase or jar--hmmmmm--or do I want a goldish, coppery or brass container? I am thinking a dark background behind the sunflowers--do i want the wheat house prayer blessing to be on the wall or laying on  the table. Or do I want the background to be a mid value with dark cast shadows??? hmmmm, its late &  I need to sleep on this............Let you know later if this is a dream or can I pull it off in the light of day? hmmmmmmmm


  1. I like your thoughts on painting Charlotte, can make you crazy can't it? lol I lay in bed every night before going to sleep thinking of painting, ahhh. I sleep better when I have a good painting day. We obviously are meant to be painting or I don't think it would consume so much of our thoughts. Happy painting to you.

  2. Thanks Barb, good to see you here! Happy painting to you!
