Saturday, September 24, 2011


Woke this morning to a very chilly morning---I like this weather where we don't have to have the air or heat on. My daughter & family are coming for a visit today---well, all of them but my oldest grandson (7th grader). He is going to a friends house---they are having a bonfire--can you imagine Andrew wanting to do that rather than see his grandma? lol--Oh, I know it will get worse when they get older, they won't want to visit with old granny--that's the sad part of grand kids growing up, they grow away from the family---sniff--now I know that is the normal rite of passage but I am not looking forward to it.
I remember when my own kids were little---then they were teenagers and I thought it was so much easier when they were little and tucked in bed and I knew where they were rather than out somewhere where I had no control. What is it that makes you feel like this--Is it the weather, or is it just realizing that time goes on, kids grow up, we grow old. (but we have our memories) Oh i just read this--hope I didn't depress anyone.... But it is a happy and a sad feeling about our grands growing up. Don't ya love them??


  1. Oh, Char, I relate. My grandkids are younger, but even then I'm feeling it as they are growing up. It's so natural and expected, but I'd sure like to see it happen a little slower. It's almost like 'empty nest syndrome' all over again. Still, though, I love that (as you said) we have our memories... and, truly, so much to look forward to as we watch them grow. :)

  2. I am dreading that time when the grandsons aren't excited to spend time with us anymore :( What can you do, it's they way it is supposed to be. right? sob sob By the way your last sunflower painting is soooo wonderful.

  3. Hi Teresa! I think it is the feeling of time racing by that we dont notice if we dont stop and look.... xxxxxoo
    Hi Barb! thanks for stopping by and thanks for sweet the comment. I have been so lazy--i need to get busy painting.xxxxoo
