Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Love Tulips (9x12)

This goes with the 1st photo above.
I made the changes that I told you I was thinking---I do like this a lot better. Yellow is a happy color, you have to be careful it doesn't get too bright. This was another fun little painting. I remember painting tulips a long time ago and I thought they were so stiff--I like these better, not so stiff! Happy week-end.
I saw some things I wanted to change after I posted here and fb (this always happens) so the lower photo shows what i fixed. I subdued the bright green on the leaf in the vase on the right, I made a more pleasing shape on the leaf on the far left --I changed the shape of the lower middle tulip-it was following the shape of the tulip above it---just little things but things that drove me crazy! I can't see them until i post!