Monday, March 3, 2014

Flowers, I love flowers!

First block in--this for me is kinda getting the shapes placed--nothing in the right places for sure. the bottom picture shows I am trying to refine a little more (not much) placing colors. Really getting everything covered so I can see placement---this will go on for a while --each pass getting placements closer---have to let this dry a little so I can go further. I love painting flowers-hope you like watching!
I Think this is the first time I have liked my first block-in better than the 2nd I always hope my paintings get better as I go, but this time I like the first one --I like the "airiness"in the first block-in better. Hmmmm -I must remember that!


  1. Fantastic progress shots, thanks for sharing these Charlotte. I've been trying to block in with thinner paint, so it's great to see this. They are looking REALLY good!!

  2. Oh my Goodness, I am thrilled you like this---You know how I love your work --Thanks so much Dianne--You have made my day!
