Sunday, January 22, 2012

Here we go...The Start

Why are the starts so up and down ?? mostly down..I hope everyone realizes how BRAVE I am to show my starts--they are sooooo bad---but i just have to get things covered so I know where I am.
I think I am brave cause no-one ever reads these---
H E L L O.... is anyone out there?? I sure wish you would comment sometimes--Just a Hi--let me know what you think--I hope you look at the finished ones too--Hope you will follow me too---eek I sound so needy--well at this
starting point I feel needy- People I am bearing my heart here! Ha.
I am going to show this to my guy--then he can back out and I won't have to worry--you know I am not real sure of myself on landscapes. I always want to produce a good painting--I want my tree not to be just any tree -I want them or one,(the important one on the left)to be the "splendid", super-duper tree--but that does not always happen--aargh..........
It is so weird how I slop on the first pass---I actually loose my drawing in places--the way I paint--I tear down and rebuild--tear down redo and I do, I really do know when to stop--well not on my granddaughters painting I tore that one down so many times and redid so many times that my daughter got  angry and someone on fb said that is good to just walk away sometimes... 
I was mortified but determined--I never want to do that again! Well, if you paint, you understand--i think. Well Happy Painting..


  1. Hi, Char. Dropped by today and see you have a landscape started. How cool. I love landscapes and wish I had more skill at them. Looks like you have a good start!

    Don't feel like the lone ranger here! My stats are down, too. But, then, I haven't posted for a while either. At least I hope that's why they're down.

    1. Glad you stopped by-- good to hear from you. Can't wait to get going on the new painting this weekend!!! :-)

  2. You start looks great, thank you for sharing it. I love to see how others work. I am pretty wild and free getting the canvas covered, that is always the easy part to me. Keep us posted, it's really looking good. I find that I get the most comments when I get out and network otherwise it can get pretty quiet and I love comments, lol.

  3. Hi Barb,
    I reread what I wrote and I think I was a little hysterical when I wrote it--hehe--But I have noticed I am getting so many visting (I have that counter) since i went on Pinterest--I guess I thought they would comment like they do on fb---guess not--but hey--I have a good diary of sorts in my painting journey--so I can look back and see how i felt with each one---it seems helplessness, panic, crying and then and only then can i produce--i have a very dramatic personality--I get on my own nerves---But thanks so much for stopping by again Barb--I adore looking at your work!

  4. looking good--love your work---Terry Pompeo
