Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Boys (Making Memories) 1st & 2nd &3rd pass

3rd pass--getting closer--a little more and I will be done! Can you see the difference between this and the 2nd pass? I hope so---its a little more refined! Happy Painting!

Here is the 2nd pass--this is still not nearly done but one step closer (easier for me to think of it that way! lots more to do--as I work on it, i can see more clearly what needs to be done--but that takes several steps to get there. Happy Painting!
  1. First block-in of my grandsons Andrew and Alec. I finally finished their sister (Alyssas') painting and my daughter told me Andrew said "why can't grandma ever paint us--she painted Alyssa now she should paint us. I said oh no! I cannot paint another face for awhile--I had struggled with Alyssas', I decided I would not quit till it looked like her--I wore myself out--painted and repainting correcting and re correcting--aargh--i was exhausted! She said--"No, mom--i have the perfect picture of the boys fishing--she sent it to me and I loved it. This is just the first pass--it can only get better from here--That's my story and I'm sticking to it! lol Happy Painting!


  1. love love love love love. i am so excited that we get to watch this painting as it comes into being.

    1. Thanks Kelly I appreciate your friendship and your wonderful excitement about my work. Bless You!
